Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami Bhajan Kutir
Madhurya Dham
“That night Lord Nityananda appeared to me in a dream because of my good quality in chastising my brother.
In the village of Jhamatapura, which is near Naihati, Lord Nityananda appeared to me in a dream.
I fell as His feet, offering my obeisances, and He then placed His own lotus feet upon my head.
“Arise! Get up! He told me again and again. Upon rising, I was greatly astonished to see His beauty.
He had a glossy blackish complexion, and His tall, strong heroic stature made Him seem like a Cupid himself.
He had beautifully formed hands, arms and legs, and eyes like lotus flowers. He wore silk cloth, with a silk turban on His head.
He wore golden earrings on His ears, and golden armlets and ban¬gles. He wore tinkling anklets on his feet and a garland of flowers around his neck.
His body was anointed with sandalwood pulp, and He was nicely decorated with tilaka. His movements surpassed those of a maddened elephant.
His face was more beautiful than millions upon millions of moons, and His teeth were like pomegranate seeds because of His chewing betel.
His body moved to and fro, right and left, for He was absorbed in ecstasy, He chanted ‘KTshna, Krishna’ in a deep voice.
His red stick moving in His hand, seemed like a maddened lion. All around the four sides of his feet were bumblebees.
His devotees, dressed like cowherd boys, surrounded His feet like so many bees and also chanted ‘Krsna, Krsna’ absorbed in ecstatic love.
Some of them played horns and flutes, and others danced and sang. Some of them offered betel nuts, and others waved chamara fans about Him.
Thus I saw such opulence in Lord Nityananda SvarUpa. His wonderful form, qualities and pastimes are all transcendental.
I was overwhelmed with transcendental ecstasy, not knowing any¬thing else. Then Lord Nityananda smiled and spoke to me as follows.
‘O, my dear Kfshnadasa, do not be afraid, go to Vimdavan, for there you will attain all things.’
After saying this, He directed me towards Vrndavana by waving His Hand. Then He disappeared with His associates.
I fainted and fall on the ground, my dream broke, when I regained
consciousness, I saw that the morning has come;
I thought about what I had seen and heard and concluded that the Lord has ordered me to precede to Vtndavana at once.
That very second I started for Vtnddvana, and by His mercy I reached there in great happiness.
All glory to Lord Nityananda-Balaram, by whose mercy I have attained shelter in the transcendental abode of Vrndavana.
All glory, all glory to the merciful Lord Nityananda, by whose mercy I have attained shelter at the lotus feet of Shri RUpa and Shri Sanatana.
By His mercy I have attained the shelter of the great personality,
Sri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, and by His mercy I have found the refuge of Shri SvarUpa Damodara,”
(Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi-Ulaf 5.180 to 202)
Krishnadasa was born in Jhamatapura (Vardhamana, West-Bengal), near Salarna railway station. He lived for many years here on the bank of Syama-kupda and he wrote many important books, of which Govinda Liiamritam, Shri Saranga Rangada [a commentary on Krishna Karnamrita] were the more important but his compilation of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya in Caitanya CaritamiTa is considered the cream of his com-pilation. Within Shri Caitanya Caritamrta he has described the diffi¬culties he underwent.
“I infer that what T have written’ is a false understanding, for my body is like a wooden doll.
I am old and troubled by invalidity. I am almost blind and deaf, my hands tremble, and my mind and intelligence are unsteady.
I am infected by so many diseases that I can neither properly walk nor properly sit. Indeed, I am always exhausted by five kinds of disease. I may die at any time of the day or night.
I have previously given an account of my inabilities. Please hear the reason why I nevertheless still write.
I am writing this book by the mercy of the lotus feet of Shri Govindadeva, Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Nityananda, Advaita Acarya , other devotees and the reader of this book, as well as SvarUpa Damodara Gosvami, Shri RUpa Gosvami, Shri Sanatana Gosvami, Shri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami, who is my spiritual master, and Shri Jiva Gosvami, I have also been specifically favored by another Supreme Personality.
Shri Madana-Mohana Deity of Vtndavana has given the order that is making me write. Although this should not be disclosed. I dis-
close it because I am unable to remain silent.
If I did not disclose that fact, I would be guilty of ingratitude to the Lord. Therefore, my dear readers, please do not consider me too proud and be angry with me.
It is because I have offer my prayers unto your lotus feet of all
of you that whatever I have written about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
has been possible.” (Caitanya – caritamrita, Antya-WYa, 20. 92 to 101)
Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami was the spiritual master (diksa-guru) of Krishnadasa and the Six Gosvami were his instructing spiritual masters (siksa-gurus).
“The instructing spiritual masters are Sri RUpa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Gopal Bhatta Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami.
“These six are my instructing spiritual masters, and therefore I offer millions of respectful obeisances unto their lotus feet.”
Purport: By accepting the six Gosvamis as his spiritual masters, the author specifically makes it clear that one should not be recognized as a Gaudiya Vaisnava if he is not obedient to them.
(Caitanya – caritamritaf Adi-l\\a 1. 36 – 37) In Krsna lila Shrila Krsnadasa Kaviraja is Shri Kasturi Manjari
shri-radhikaya nikate vasantim
bhajamy aham kausturi—manjari jarikam
I worship Sri KaustUri-manjari, whose complexion is like a spotless
golden lotus, whose charming dress is lustrous like crystal, and who
always stays near to Sri Radha.
Her service mood is described thus.
Srimati Radharani cooked many different delicious foods, placed them in nice, new clay jars, and then covered the tops of the jars with cloth.
Srimati Radharani then placed all those clay pots in a large, col¬orfully decorated wooden box. She wrapped the box in white cloth and gave it to Tulasi-manjari and Kasturi-manjari.
Srimati Radharani gave betel nuts and leaves to Tulasi-manjari. Radharani then gave everything to Dhanistha. Dhanistha had perfectly understood the hint about the rendezvous in the forest.
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Assisted by Tulasi and Kasturi, Dhanistha gave the gift of foods to Mother Yasoda. They all opened the package and removed the vari¬ous jars of nice foods. (Govinda lilamrita 20. 6-9)
Vraja’s Queen Yasoda insisted that Tulasi, her friend Kasturi, and Dhanistha all eat the evening meal. They refused to eat or drink anything unless Srimati Radharani had taken first. (57)
Hearing this, mother Yasoda was very pleased with their love for Radhika and lovingly said: “Then Tulasi and Kasturi should quickly go and bring this rice and these vegetables to Radha and Her girl¬friends!” (58) (Govinda lilamrita 20. 57-58)
Headed by KastUri-manjari and Mam-manjari, the nitya-sakhis always strive to fulfill the desirs of Shri Radha’s heart. In Shri Ujjvala-nilamam it is said: “KastUri-manjari and Mani-manjari are the leaders of the
nitya-sakhis.” (Bhakti-ratnakara 5. 3660-3661)
When Srila Visvanath Cakravarti came to Vraja, he first stayed in Kfshnaciasa Kaviraja’s bhajana kutir and studied the literature of the Gosvami’s under a disciple of KrishnadUsa Kaviraja of the name of Mukhunda. (Mukhunda Dasa wrote a commentary on Bhakti-rasamrita- sindu of the name ‘Artharatnalpa-dipika’). After having bottled up large quantities of Krishna-prema (love of God) in the shape of the various literatures, he compiled illuminated commentaries on many of RUpa Gosvami’s works. He also influenced Baladeva to establish the phi¬losophy of the Qaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya. The Govardhana-sila which, had been worshiped by Shrila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami was passed onto Shrila Visvanath Cakravarti.
After offering our obeisances over and over again and praying for that time when we will able to understand the literature of the six Gosvamis, our eternal siksa-gurus, we can continue. Just next to Krishna Dasa Kaviraj’s bhajana kutir, on our left, is the Gadadhara-Caitanya Temple.
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