Sriji Temple

Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
This magnificent temple perched high on the hilltop is one of the most famous sites in the whole of Vraja. One has to walk up almost two hundred steps to reach the main gateway of the temple. Appearing more like a medieval palace with its high walls and elaborately designed ‘chatris’ and arches, the temple of Shriji is dedicated to Shrimati Radharani, who is known locally by the pet name ‘Shri’. This famous temple is also known as the Larilylal Mandira, because it contains the deities of Larily and Lala, who are the childhood forms of Radha and Krishna. The word ‘larily’ means “dearly beloved daughter’ and ‘lala’ means ‘dearly beloved son’, which is an affectionate way of addressing young boys and girls in Vraja. The deities were discovered here at Varsana by Shrila Narayana Bhatta, who also built the original temple with the help of Raja Todarmal, his dedicated follower and an important Minister in the government of Emperor Akbar. The temple is actually built on the site of Maharaja Vrishabhanu’s palace where Radharani used to live. This temple was at one time also known as the Radha-Ramana Mandira. According to historical records, the temple that is seen today was built by the king of Orchha, Raja Bir Singh in 1675.
The hill on which the temple stands is stated in the shastras to be a manifestation of Lord Brahma, who after pleasing Lord Krishna, was given the boon to appear at this place in the form of a hill, so that he could witness the transcendental pastimes that would take place here. Lord Brahma desired to perform some menial service for Radha and Krishna and therefore appeared as a hill on which the ‘divine couple’ could enact their transcendental pastimes and he could also obtain the dust of Their lotus feet upon his head. It is mentioned in the Puranas that Lord Brahma performed penance for sixty thousand years in order to achieve the divine darshana of Radha and Krishna. This hill which is known as Brahrnagiri, or sometimes as Brahmachala Parvata, has four different peaks representing the four heads of Lord Brahma. There is a second hill situated right next to Brahmagiri known as Vilasgad, Vilasa Parvata, or sometimes as Vishnu Parvata, and is considered to be a manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
Ananda Vrndavana Campu – by Kavi Karnapur
Nanda Maharaja Visits King Vrsabhanu
Once upon a time, the illustrious and powerful King Vrsabhanu met with his ministers to discuss inviting Vrajaraja Nanda and his family for a visit. With all intelligence Vrsabhanu Maharaja submissively upheld the family traditions, and executed them in a wonderful beautiful way. He desired to celebrate the festival in grand style, and He wanted Radhika, the embodiment of the art of cooking, to prepare Her finest dishes.
He sent a nursemaid’s daughter named Sucarita, who possessed good character and auspicious qualities, to convey his plan to Radha. Coming before Radha, Sucarita said, “Your parents want You to prepare a grand feast for the upcoming visit of the king of Vrndavana. I will not leave here until I see You depart for Your father’s palace.” As the sakhis happily worship Radhika, She fills them with joy in return.
Sucarita also addressed the other sakhis attending Radhika, “Listen Syame! Radha’s father wants you to give up your pretension of laziness and help the other sakhis. It will be good for you to uphold the etiquette of family traditions. 0 Visakhe! You should also bring your friend Lalita who always exhibits a playful nature.”
Smilmg, Lalita replied to Sucarita, “0 auspicious one! Why are we sud¬denly invited to a festival?”
Sucarita replied, “It is not a surprise event, When the king of Vrndavana celebrated Krsna’s birthday he invited everyone to participate. After at-ending this mahotsava. King Vrsabhanu got the idea to hold a similar sstival in his palace. So naturally he thought to invite the king of the Wwherd men who possesses pure consciousness. After riding in the chariot of the mind for long time, this joyful festival is about to be held. It will definitely be an ecstatic event.”
Syama-sakhi said, “0 one who excels all in good qualities! No doubt it will be a wonderful festival. Who will not enjoy great bliss by attending this rewarding festival? We must immediately start preparing, since this is the order of Radha’s father.”
Then all the gopis went to the magnificent palace of King Vrsabhanu. It seemed that the embodiment of all joyous festivals had manifested there. King Vrsabhanu welcomed the sakhis, “Are you all feeling happy?” After Radhika paid obeisances, He smelled Her head and said, “0 auspicious one! Please use all Your cooking skills to make very delicious and tempt¬ing preparations. Surely Your lotus hands will attain perfection by cook¬ing this feast. Tomorrow the king of the cowherd men, his wife, family, and Krsna and Balarama will take their meal here.”
Lalita said, “0 father! Have you collected all the necessary ingredi¬ents?”
King Vrsabhanu replied, “Not just today, but for many days we have been arranging for this mahotsava. For a long time I have been eager to observe this. Now all the ingredients have been procured in unlimited amounts. You cannot see the end of them. Enter the storeroom and see for yourself. Please consider if all the proper divine articles and items have been assembled. If the best of anything remains to be collected, then please tell me and I will immediately get it.”
All the effulgent, slender-waisted sakhis like Lalita, Visakha, and oth¬ers expert in the art of cooking met and joyfully entered the enchanting kitchen. After paying obeisances to Mother Kirtida the sakhis inspected the ingredients.
Meanwhile, Krsna returned from the forest with the eows. Seeing her approaching son, Mother Yasoda, who is glorified by all the demigods like Lord Siva and Brahma, anxiously desired to speak to Him. In a lov¬able, unpretentious way Krsna cast fresh, sidelong glances to reciprocate with each one of His friends. He walked with the gait of a lordly elephant in rut.
Yasoda said in a sweet voice, “0 Vatsa! The honorable King Vrsabhanu, who is opulent with the wealth of many bulls, desires to host You tomor¬row at his palace. After consulting his ministers and associates he sent an invitation. My darling, You should go there tomorrow to reciprocate with his loving request. Your friends will stay back to tend the cows. So tomor¬row You need not go to the forest.”
Krsna, the ocean of compassion, said, “How is it possible for Me to go alone and eat without My friends? What is the use of such an invitation. Yasoda, who fully knows the laws of social etiquette, replied, “Do not distressed in Your mind. If You cannot give up Your attachment to Your friends, then just stay home with them.”
After she said this, Krsna, who removes the distress of everyone in the univerose, forgot about going to the forest. Contemplating the upcoming festival, Krsna remembered the sweet name, form, and qualities of Radhika. As Krsna fixed His mind on Radhika, His affection for Radha increased more and more. Then Krsna meditated on all the wonderful preparations that Radha would make on the order of Her father.
On the day of the mahotsava King Vrsabhanu beamed happily like the rays of the rising sun. Vrajesvari Yasoda received a warm greeting upon arriving in Varsana. After offering obeisances to the queen of Vrndavana, the younger ladies of the house glorified her, “Please listen attentively as we recount how Kirtida-devi (Radhika’s mother) praised you. She said, ‘Even Sarasvati cannot properly describe the wonderful nature of the creeper of mother Yasoda’s parental love. Then how can I possibly glorify her? As a devotee of Lord Hari can remove the miseries of material exist¬ence, similarly, Yasoda’s visit to our house will remove all inauspicious-ness. Rohini-devi and her all-auspicious family members will be also wel¬comed into our house. I hope they will be kind and bestow their compas¬sion on me. Tell them that they need not bathe at home, but they can quickly come here and do all their bathing in our palace.”
Vrajesvari Yasoda affectionately addressed them, “0 ladies! You have conquered us with your humble praises. You need not treat us so respect¬fully or worry about us because we can take care of ourselves.”
King Vrsabhanu had collected beautiful paraphernalia from all direc¬tions in order to offer a royal reception to Maharaja Nanda, the king of the cowherd men. Lavish decorations beautified the entire city of Varsana. Beginning from the city gate, gorgeous ornaments adorned the entire royal road. Strings of sweetly jingling bells hung over the roadway. Auspicious water pots lined the sides of the road. Coconuts set on mango leaves rested above shiny brass pots. Rows of decorated lamps accented the at¬mosphere. Being nicely swept and cleansed, the main road appeared free from dirt and dust. The densely foliated branches of the dark green ba¬nana trees prevented the sun’s rays from shining on the path. Kettle¬drums and mrdangas resounded melodiously in glorification. They created a festive atmosphere to greet the party of Nanda Maharaja.
After making all the arrangements Vrsabhanu Maharaja petitioned Surya-deva, his worshipable deity, to make his endeavors successful. Then he went to the path beside the main road and waited expectantly for the arrival of his guests. Rows of fruit-bearing betel trees lined both sides of the lane on which Vrsabhanu stood. First he saw the attractive young prince of Vrndavana strolling before His relatives. Surrounded by His friends, Krsna illuminated the world with the brilliant effulgence coming from His lightning hued dhoti. The gopis cherishing paramour love for Krsna strongly desired to embrace His lotus feet that now graced the earth of Varsana. Thus Krsna, the personification ofsmgara rasa, entered the vision of the eager King Vrsabhanu.
Other family members such as the queen of Vrndavana, who is totally free from all faults and falsity, walked behind Krsna. Nanda Maharaja who brings joy to the earth like a veritable manifestation of all good for¬tune, and his associates followed behind. Seeing them, Vrsabhanu Maha¬raja rushed forward to warmly embrace Krsna, the moon of Gokula who has attractive curly, dark blue hair. After bending his head slightly to show respect to the king and queen of Vrndavana, Vrsabhanu led them to his palace.
Upon entering the palace, King Vrsabhanu expertly arranged sitting places for his guests according to their position. He provided for all their comforts by engaging his servants in carefully and respectfully bathing, massaging, and dressing them. Everyone felt happy and refreshed from the fatigue of the journey after the warm reception.
Yasoda entered the kitchen to check on Radhika. Appearing in Vrndavana as personified bliss, Radhika made a wonderful feast with Her expert cooking and tasteful arrangements. Seeing mother Yasoda entering the kitchen, Radhika offered her respectful obeisances. Yasoda, the bearer of beauty and fame for her family, felt boundless affection for Radhika.
Smiling joyfully, Yasoda said, “The art of cooking is like the jewel in the ornament of praise for the female class. Even though Your beautiful body is as delicate as a flower, You have taken on this heavy burden of cooking. And by doing so Your elegance has enhanced.” Although Radhika had worked very hard, She did not feel the least bit tired. When requested by Yasoda, Radhika felt shy about displaying all the items that She had pre¬pared.
Mother Yasoda said, “Just see what amazing delicacies You have made. One can easily perceive all Your good qualities of taste, beauty, and fra¬grance in these astonishing preparations. Your perfect cooking has turned everything into ambrosia.” Then giving Radha a full embrace, Yasoda congratulated Her saying, “Darling, bravo! I really appreciate Your ex¬pertise in cooking. Seeing Your skill has removed whatever unhappiness 1 felt within myself.”
Her face glowing like the full moon, Yasoda continued her joyful mood-She embraced the fragrant youthful Lalita and Syama-sakhi and praise^ them saying, “0 Lalite! 0 Syame! 0 Visakhe! Your friendly dealings with each other, and your respectful attitude toward your superiors is certainly commendable. For this is the standard of behavior of cultured people.
After glorifying Radhika, who is expert in all arts, and Her girlfriends, Yasoda turned to Rohini-devi and said, “0 mother ofBalabhadra! Learned persons always honor such mutual loving affection. This Radhika, who is delicate and tender by nature, has filled my heart with ecstasy. She ap¬pears in this world like an auspicious flower from Nanda-kanana, or a beautiful creeper of sandalwood. Radhika is the ripened fruit of the tree of Vrsabhanu’s piety. Radhika is a rare jewel-mine of the best qualities found in the three worlds.”
Rohini replied, “0 Yasoda! Everything you said is perfectly correct. There is no doubt about it. Moreover, the delightful son of the lord of Vrndavana is an ocean of good qualities and Radhika is Sumukhi, sweet¬ness personified. 0 Yasoda, this pair of jewels is the central ornament on the neck of the goddess of Vrndavana. They give pleasure to anyone who sees or hears about Them.”
Feeling bashful over hearing Her praises, Radhika gently lowered Her head in shyness. From observing Radhika’s facial expressions, Syama-sakhi and the other gopis detected the joy swirling within Her heart. They smiled slightly in understanding and thought within themselves, “0 Rohini-devi! Your statements disclose our inner thoughts. Truly you are blessed. Without a doubt rain gives cooling relief to one tortured by scorching sunshine. There is a deeper more satisfying meaning to your statement that Radhika and Syama-sakhi are the jewels on the neck of the goddess of Vrndavana. Everyone holds this pair of jewels on their heads. Do you not feel repentant about engaging this delicate girl in such difficult work?”
As the sun lights up the entire universe, similarly, with her pure con¬sciousness Kirtida illuminates her family and increases their fame. After embracing her, Yasoda said, “0 Kirtida! Why did you engage the youth¬ful Radhika in the toilsome duty of cooking, which is usually done by the elderly housewives? You should not have caused such distress to the fresh flower-like body of Radhika, who has wilted from the heat of the cooking fires. Don’t you feel repentant over this?”
Kirtida replied, “0 Vrajesvari! Indeed, I took a risk by engaging Radhika in that work. But the fact is that Radhika is an expert cook. And besides, MIS particular festival we are hosting will fill everyone with delight. The munificent king of the cowherd men, his wife, and children will all enjoy a wonderful feast here today. Actually Radhika, who possesses brilliant effulgence, willfully engaged Herself in this service with great happiness and enthusiasm.
Moreover Radhika has a natural ability in Her hand so that whatever e cooks exhibits the best qualities of taste, beauty, and fragrance. 0 u who have such strong affection for Radhika! Being eager to please His guests, Radha’s father humorously asked Her to help. The majority of the feast preparations are being made in another big kitchen. In this kitchen Radhika is cooking only a few especially delectable items. Is there anyone in Vrndavana not considering himself blessed today? But since you are the most worshipable lady in Vrndavana, I think you should take charge here. If that will make you happy, then I am sure all the problems with the festival will be solved.”
Vrajesvari Yasoda replied, “Let Rohini, who is famous for her expertise in serving, distribute all the food items lovingly cooked by Radhika.”
Before Yasoda could finish speaking, Kirtida interjected, “Wait! Let my darling Radhika serve the King and Queen of Vrndavana, along with their sons Krsna and Balarama who are like a pair of fresh blue and white lotuses. Radhika should also serve Rohini, the personified jewel all good qualities. The intimate friends of Radhika such as Lalita and Syama-sakhi, who are also experienced servers, should distribute food to Krsna’s friends.”
Although this order filled Radhika’s ears with nectar, it created a di¬lemma due to the rising waves of love within Her heart. Radharani could not accept the proposal, but at the same time She did not want to refuse the request. Inertia overtook Radhika’s mind. As the gentle, sweet smile slowly disappeared from Her tender sprout-like lips, Radhika bashfully confided in her mother.
Radhika said, “I am feeling overwhelmed with feelings of shyness and reluctance. Therefore, I will only serve the divine queen of Vrndavana, who is the embodiment of absolute fortune, and her family members pri¬vately in the inner chambers. Let Syama-sakhi serve a line of guests sit¬ting on the outer veranda.”
Syama-sakhi, a clever expert in juggling words, said, “0 doe-eyed one! Your statements are unreasonable. Let Your father Vrsabhanu, who is as powerful as the sun, more famous than Lord Siva and the purifier of the fallen, serve the guests sitting on veranda.”
After listening to the sweet talks of these sakhis whose pleasing voices sounded like the warbling of swans, Yasoda, the reservoir of parental af¬fection, said, “0 my two well-behaved girls! Do not be afraid, but listen to my words and you will benefit. Following my suggestion, you should learn the proper method of serving. Now both of you become proficient in this art.”
After giving this instruction, mother Yasoda, who is pure and famous, walked out on the huge, gem-studded veranda. She ordered her servants to properly arrange the wooden seats. They fixed fine white covers on tli6 seats and made all comfortable arrangements.
Then Haladhara, the brother of Krsna, who subdues the demons and whose bright complexion outshines the purest crystal, sat on the right side of Nanda Maharaja. Krsna, whose body is more brilliant than a blue sapphire, sat on his left. The brahmana boy Batu, who is an expert joker with a very strong and beautiful neck, sat next to Krsna. Subala, who is strong, wealthy, and full of deep affection for Krsna and the other sakhas, sat beside Batu.
The respectable and handsome Nanda Maharaja, the main cause of Gokula’s wealth, cleanse’d his feet and sat down. Everyone in the assem¬bly drowned in joy upon seeing beam a pleasant smile. Radhika, the god¬dess of personified beauty, came before the honorable King of Vrndavana and respectfully offered him lotus flowers in Her folded palms. Then Yasoda summoned Radhika to serve the foodstuffs. With a heart full of joy Radhika served Nanda Maharaja while Syama-sakhi served Krsna and Balarama.
Noticing that Radhika was not serving Krsna, Yasoda told Her, “With¬out Your help Syama-sakhi will not be able to serve properly. Why don’t You help her serve Krsna.” Although eager to do this, Radhika tried to restrain Her restless heart. Soon, however, a bad star appeared to destroy Her restraint and remove Her fickle modesty. Radharani’s mind is com¬pletely saturated with a mood of eternal love and Her blissful form bright” ens the world with a wonderful effulgence. Although Her hand trembled due to fear, Radhika controlled it and served Krsna. On the order of Vrajesvari, Radhika and Syama-sakhi served Krsna and His friends like Subala and Kusumasava.
“0 look!” boasted Kusumasava, “Although I am the best among the brahmanas, still I have become sanctified by honoring this food which has been personally served by the hand of the daughter of Vrsabhanu. Do you know why this is true? Radhika is Maha Laksmi-devi Herself. Is there any woman in the world equal to Her? Hey Krsna, my self-effulgent friend!’ After relishing the food cooked by Radhika, we no longer want to eat food cooked by anyone else.”
While Radhika served the food with great dexterity and devotion, Kusumasava continued to laugh and make jokes. Speaking in varying tones, he sometimes spoke quickly and then very slowly. With his funny talks and antics, he entertained the entire assembly.
Pretending to be angry, Kåñëa addressed Kusumasava, “Hey Vacal! (talkative one) Take your meal and stop your mocking and joking. Do not create such pandemonium. Besides what is the use of all your silly talks?”
Kusumasava replied, “Accepting Your instruction, am I supposed to become like a dumb man and just eat silently? Even if I had a hundred mouths, I could not properly glorify the superb quality of this food. Its taste is just beyond my imagination to explain.”
While eating Krsna gave some food to a parrot that sat between Him and Kusumasava. The parrot accepted the offerings with great happiness. Feeling grateful, he extended his neck and looked restlessly here and there as if preparing to speak. Observing the actions of the parrot, Yasoda said “0 best among the dvijas (brahmanas or birds)! Speak out whatever is on your mind.” The brahmana Batu (Kusumasava) immediately replied in a loud voice, “0 just see! Today I have become the best of the twice bom.”
Yasoda replied, “I am not speaking to you. I am addressing the parrot.
The parrot said, “0 son of the twice-born (Batu)! Do not show off your word jugglery. You seem to be more crazy and talkative than I am. Do not spoil Krsna’s happy mood by speaking any more nonsense.”
Vrajaraja Nanda said, “From where has this wise bird come? Why did this parrot become morose upon hearing the glories of Laksmi-devi and Radhika?”
Yasoda said, “Just listen to the history of this parrot. It is not fitting to compare Radhika with one of the demigods.”
The parrot said, “Why didn’t you give a suitable reply on my behalf?”
After hearing these talks, Radhika and Syama-sakhi met in the kitchen, removed the veils from their heads, and started joking and laughing. Radhika said, “0 Syame! One with a beautiful face! These two twice-boms (Batu and the parrot)are engaged in some nonsense talk about Me. So now” you continue serving by yourself.” After saying this Radhika re¬mained in the kitchen.
Not seeing Radha, Yasoda thought, “Perhaps Radhika became shy upon hearing the parrot gloriiy Her, so She stopped serving.” Yasoda then went to encourage Radhika. Accepting her proposal, Radha served again but in another part of the room. Noticing this, Yasoda approached Radhika and said, “It is natural for a cultured girl to feel shy upon hearing her own glories. But my darling, You are not the daughter of Vrsabhanu, but You are the daughter of the ocean. 0 sweet-faced one! You should serve the same line You did before.” Surrendering to mother Yasoda, Radhika con¬tinued serving Krsna and His friends.
Besides enjoying the meal, Nanda Maharaja especially appreciated the cooking expertise of Radhika. Fully satisfied, he laughed and joked with great joy. With great gusto he relished the six kinds of tastes which Radha had presented in a pleasing way. He gave the utmost praise to Radhika for cooking so perfectly. Balarama and His friends felt full satisfaction. Krsna experienced exceptional flavors while eating the food cooked and served by Radhika. Since all the preparations contained the fragrance of Her conjugal love, Krsna savored the sweet madhurya-rasa of Radhika s heart with every bite.
Vrsabhanu concluded the festive occasion by joyfully distributing tambula, valuable ornaments, garlands, and sandalwood pulp to all the guests. Radhika enthusiastically served the mothers of Krsna and Balarama, who displayed sublime gravity and kindness, as many sweets as they desired. While relishing the sweets and delighting in Radhika’s ser¬vice mood, the two mothers conversed among themselves.
Yasoda said, “That expert talker Batu spoke correctly when he said, ‘0 friend! After eating food cooked by this server you will not want to eat anyone else’s cooking.’ ”
Then Yasoda addressed Radhika, “Hey Vrsabhanunandini! Your prepa¬rations give complete satisfaction. From now on my dear son Krsna must only eat food cooked by Your hands. He will no longer accept any meal cooked by another. So in very sweet words I will seek permission from Your elders, and definitely they will allow You to cook for my son. For doing this service I will reward You with opulent dresses and ornaments. From now You must come to my house and prepare all of Krsna’s meals with a joyful heart.”
On hearing Yasoda’s statement, Kirtida (Radhika’s mother) said, “0 Vrajesvari Yasoda! You are the Queen of our lives. Your order has greatly enhanced the beauty, love and affection of Radhika. Those who know the workings of love will be pleased by your request. Everyday Radhika will come and skillfully cook for your son. As soon as the sun rises She will go to your house. By your mercy the kingdom of Vrndavana now shines with transcendental glory and stands beyond the effects of time. Your pleasure alone is our ultimate goal.”
After receiving the consent of Her elders, Radhika could now freely associate with Her beloved from that day on. As Krsna continued to rel¬ish the nectarean foods cooked by Her hands, Radhika’s desire to offer Him the sweet nectar of Her lips increased day by day.
Meanwhile, another sakhi named Candravali had tied up Gokulacandra (Krsna) in the prison house of her heart like a thief. Whenever Krsna and Candravali met, They looked immensely beautiful. At that time the heart of Candravali, which possesses the wealth of supreme beauty, would melt in anticipation. For she hankered always to be pierced by the arrow of Krsna’s love. All the gopis headed by Candravali were like flowers of love emanating the highly praiseworthy fragrance of the joy of meeting Krsna. to assessing the stage of their budding love, one could understand that within a year their love would flourish and clearly express itself.
Sometime later, on the pretext of picking flowers, the Vraja gopis met heir beloved Krsna in a lonely garden decorated with fresh, untouched lepers and enjoyed intimate pastimes with Him. Krsna, who is more beautiful than a fresh rain cloud, is the totally independent well-wisher of everyone. He is the sole object of love for the gopis and all the other Vrajavasis devoid of envy. Now the Vraja gopis freely displayed their love without any pretension. Because their superiors did not practice faultfinding the young girls of Gokula did not fear criticism. Since their birth, the Vraja gopis had an overflowing loving attraction for Krsna. They no longer felt any need to hide their feelings. Fully exhibiting their frivolous moods, the gopis de¬lighted in forest pastimes with their beloved. Discarding all inhibitions, they completely fulfilled their heart’s desires.
The husbands of the gopis observed all the proper rules of social eti¬quette, but for some reason they did not prevent their wives from running to the forest. Just see the wonderful workings of Yogamaya who made all the necessary arrangements to nourish the rasa of these eternally perfect lovers of Krsna. But surprisingly enough, under the influence of the same Yogamaya potency the gopis felt extremely anxious and apprehensive about their illicit love for Krsna. They thought, “We gopis are married to other men, therefore we are parakiya or belonging to others.”
Besides creating such thoughts within the gopis, Yogamaya arranged that their secret meetings with Krsna remained hidden from their superi¬ors. How did she accomplish this? The fathers-and mothers-in-law and the husbands of the gopis thought of themselves as their superiors and protectors. For those having this false pride, Yogamaya arranged for a mayic expansion or duplicate of each gopi to remain home beside her husband, while the original spiritual body of that gopi went out to meet Krsna.
Yogamaya performed these tasks perfectly. On the other hand, to pacify Krsna’s parents Yogamaya made a completely different arrangement. Krsna, whose character is praised by even Brahma and Siva, is famous for His elegance and ability to control Cupid. Although these qualities usu¬ally disappear as a boy matures, tender beauty and impudent behavior mingled within Krsna’s youthful form. Due to this, Nanda and Yasoda who were tied to Him by the creeper of parental affection, thought that Krsna would remain perpetually as their little boy.
Despite their thinking, Krsna soon blossomed into manhood. At this time the gopis saw Krsna as a handsome most lovable young man, but His parents continued to see Him as their darling son. As a result, Nanda and Yasoda did not feel any suspicion when Krsna met secretly with the love-lorn, lotus-eyed gopis. To satisfy the Lord’s desire to relish parakiya bhava, Yogamaya also arranged for the gopis to maintain the consciousness of identifying as other men’s wives. Just see the amazing power of Krsna’s Yogamaya potency!

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