
Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
In the Bhakti-ratnakara it says. “0 Srinivasa this is Ravala, the village where Vrishabhami
used to very happily live. Shri Radhika appeared here, and by Her auspicious appearance the
whole world was filled with joy”. Radharani appeared on a Monday which was the eighth day
of the bright lunar fortnight in the month of Bhadra, as the daughter of Vrishabhanu Maharaja
and Kirtida Devi, at that time it is said that the demigods showered flowers that they had
collected from the Nandakanana celestial gardens near Meru Parvata. Because She was born the
year after Krishna’s birth, during the constellation of Anuradha, She was called Radhika.
This village is situated on the banks of Yamuna and there is a temple here known as the
Larily-lala Mandira, where one can see the beautiful deities of Radha and Krishna. The name
‘larily’ is used to describe a sweet young girl and means ‘beloved darling girl’. The name ‘!ala’
means ‘beloved darling boy’ and is used to describe young boys. Before the construction of
Varsana’s Shriji Mandira, Shrimati Radharani’s birthplace at Ravala, being very close to Mathura,
was one of the most popular pilgrimage places in Vraja, but now very few pilgrims come here.
Fortunately, Ravala is situated on the Vraja Mandala Parikrama route and therefore the Vrajay
atris regularly visit this sacred place and have darshana at the Larily-lala Mandira. Ravala is
situated in the small forest of Ravalavana which is mentioned in the Puranas as being one of the
upavanas or sub-forests of Vrindavana Dhama.
In the Vraja-vilasa-stava the appearance of Radharani is described as follows. “Who canunderstand the great joy in Vrishabhanu’s house when Radhika appeared from the womb of
Kirtida. Shri Radha’s effulgent form illuminated the ten directions. Whoever sees Radha just
once is freed from the threefold miseries. Her body is extremely soft and Her complexion is
like molten gold. Alas! How is it possible to describe the exquisite movements of Her limbs.
Seeing Her beauty Her parents could not control their excitement and repeatedly looked at
Her moonlike face.”
Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also visited Ravala during His parikrama of Vraja and
attracted large crowds who arrived there to see Him, thinking that He must be Krishna Himself
having returned to Vrindavana in the guise of a sannyasi. In the Bhakti-ratnakara it says. “After
coming from Gokula, Gaurachandra and His associates stayed here for some time. He became
overwhelmed with ecstatic love when He saw Ravala. What to speak of others, even Ananta
Sesha cannot describe His feelings of love. People came running from all directions chanting
the names of Hari and exclaiming, ‘Oh brother, see this jewel amongst sannyasis!’ Everyone
then became maddened drinking the nectar of Mahaprabhu’s moonlike face. Being greatly
happy, they spoke amongst themselves saying that Mahaprabhu was actually Krishna while
others said that simply by seeing His golden complexioned form they had become speechless,
even though they wanted to speak.”
The Divine Appearance of Shrimati Radharani

The Puranas relate a story concerning the divine appearance of Shrimati Radharani as
follows. One day, Vrishabhanu Maharaja went to the bank of Yamuna at around noon to take
a midday bath. At that moment he saw a golden lotus flower floating on the water and shining
brightly like a thousand suns. Vrishabhanu immediately waded into the river and when he came
near to the golden lotus flower, he beheld the most beautiful and radiant form of baby girl lying
within the petals of the lotus.
At that same moment, Lord Brahma suddenly appeared there and speaking in a grave
voice, informed Vrishabhanu that in his previous life, Vrishabhanu and his wife Kirtida had
performed great austerities in order to get the consort of Lord Vishnu as their daughter. Lord
Brahma told Vrishabhanu that this girl was the origin of the goddess Lakshmi and that he should
take great care of Her. Lord Brahma then placed the baby girl in the arms of Vrishabhanu who
became overjoyed, and after taking permission from Lord Brahma, returned to his home. Seeing
the beautiful baby girl shining like millions of autumnal moons, mother Kirtida was overcome
with joy and immediately arranged for all kinds of religious rites to be performed and donated
thousands of cows to the brahmanas. At that time baby Radhika was placed in a gem-studded
cradle and gently rocked back and forth by all the little girls of the village. Day by day Her luster
increased just like the digits of the moon.
Within a short while it was observed that the baby girl made no noise and had not yet
opened Her eyes. Vrishabhanu and his wife feared that their baby girl was perhaps blind from
birth and also dumb. At that time, Shrila Narada Muni visited the home of Vrishabhanu and
informed him that regardless of the girl’s apparent blindness, they should continue with the birth
celebrations. Vrishabhanu therefore made elaborate arrangements for a lavish birth celebration
and sent out invitations to all the residents of Ravala and Gokula and especially to his dear friend
Nanda Maharaja and his family.
On the appointed day, the guests had assembled and the birth celebrations were going
on in great jubilation. Nanda Maharaja and Yashoda Mayi had arrived with Rohini and also
brought their small children Krishna and Balarama. Kirtida met with Yashoda and told her that
she was very happy to have such a beautiful daughter, but was feeling rather distraught becauseher child was both dumb and blind. Krishna had just passed His first birthday and was happily
crawling around the courtyard on His hands and knees. Arriving at the cot in which Radhika was
lying, Krishna held on to the sides and managed to lift himself up, He then peered into the cot
where His gaze fell upon the beautiful moon-like face of baby Radhika. As soon as baby Radhika
smelt the exotic fragrance of Krishna’s transcendental body, She immediately opened Her eyes
for the very first time, and looked directly at Krishna, who was the first person that She had ever
seen. As Krishna gazed lovingly at baby Radhika, He began smiling ecstatically. Radhika then
suddenly began to cry and for the very first time she made a sound. Vrishabhanu and Kirtida,
along with all the assembled Vrajavasis, were overjoyed to find out that their beloved daughter
Radhika, was not blind nor dumb after all.
In the Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi it says. “So powerful is the glancing of Her eyes, that the
flute slips from Krishna’s hands, His peacock crown starts to slip, and His yellow shawl
becomes displaced as He swoons and falls to the ground. Alas, will I ever get the chance to
serve with love and devotion such a person as Radharani.”

Shri Vraj Mandal Parikarma
Räval is the appearance place of Çrématé Rädhikä, who is the embodiment of mahäbhäva, the essence of Çré Kåñëa’s pleasure potency. She is also Çré Kåñëa’s svarüpa-çakti, or internal energy. Only by great fortune will someone desire to visit this holy place, and reverentially touch and remember it. The pastime of Çrématé Rädhikä’s appearance in this world is narrated differently in different eras (kalpa-bheda).
våñabhänüdadhi-nava-çaçi-lekhe! lalitä-sakhi! guëa-ramita-viçäkhe! “O new moon arisen from the ocean of Våñabhänu Mahäräja, O dear most friend of Lalitä, O You who have enchanted and made Viçäkhä happy with Your qualities of friendship, compassion and loyalty to Kåñëa.”
Çrématé Rädhikä is most loved by Her father Våñabhänu Mahäräja. For this reason, devotees usually refer to Her as “Våñabhänu-nandiné” (the daughter of Våñabhänu Mahäräja). Very few call Her “Kértidä-nandiné” (the daughter of Kértidä-devé). The word rävala means “an influential landlord”. This place is named after Çré Våñabhänu Mahäräja, who was a most influential landlord. Once, in the early morning, when Våñabhänu Mahäräja went to bathe in the Yamunä, he saw in the water a radiant lotus flower of one hundred petals. In the middle of that flower lay a beautiful small baby, Çrématé Rädhikä Herself. He tenderly lifted Her into His arms and took Her home, where he placed Her in the lap of his wife Kértidä. Sometimes Çrématé Rädhikä appears in Varsänä, where every morning, Çré Våñabhänu Mahäräja goes to Våñabhänu-kuëòa. On one such morning he found Çrématé Rädhikä on a lotus flower in the kuëòa. It other eras this takes place at Räval. Çré Närada knew that the possessor of all powers, Bhagavän Çré Kåñëa, already had appeared on this earth and concluded that the embodiment of Kåñëa’s complete potency, Çrématé Rädhikä, must have surely appeared here also. He proceeded to search for Her high and low. He finally arrived at the house of Våñabhänu Mahäräja. “Do you have a child?” Närada asked him. “Yes, I have a son named Çrédäma.” “Do you also have a daughter?” Närada asked. “Yes, we also have a daughter.” “I want to see Her and bless Her.” Närada said, “I also want to do Her horoscope.” Våñabhänu Mahäräja became delighted and brought out his baby girl. Närada then asked him to fetch the necessary items to bless the child and do Her horoscope. As soon as he had left the room, Närada turned to Çrématéjé and began to pray, “Kadä kariñyaséha mäà kåpä-kaöäkña-bhäjanam – O young daughter of Våñabhänu, when will You bless me with Your merciful glance?” Then, Çrématé Rädhäjé, along with Lalitä, Viçäkhä and Her other sakhés gave Närada darçana of Her eternal form as a fresh youth. Upon beholding this form, Çré Närada became overwhelmed with ecstatic, transcendental bliss. The desire to become a maidservant of Çrématé Rädhikä awakens in the heart of one who comes to this place, hears pure Vaiñëavas speak hari-kathä here and touches its sacred dust.
Vrindavan Days
Five miles southeast of Mathura is Raval. According to some accounts, Raval, not Barsana, is the place where Radharani first appeared. Once, after ten thousand years of austerities, Suchandra and Kalavati gained the audience of Lord Brahma. Brahma offered them a boon and Kalavati requested Lord Vishnu’s consort for a daughter. After consulting higher authorities, Brahma announced that Radharani, consort of Lord Krishna, would become their daughter.
During the Dwapara Yuga, Suchandra and Kalavati, in the form of Virsabhanu and Kirtida, became the parents of Radharani. Like Lord Krishna, Radharani wasn’t born in an ordinary fashion. One day, when Virsabhanu and Kirtida went to the Jamuna to bathe, they saw a dazzling light surrounding a little girl standing on a lotus in the middle of the river. They were then informed by Lord Brahma that this girl was Radharani, the original Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune.
Mother Yasoda learned of Kirtida’s new daughter and went to congratulate her. She took baby Krishna along. The divine couple first beheld one another when Krishna crawled to Radharani’s cradle and pulled Himself up to see what was within.
Mathura Mandala Parikrama
“0 Srinivasa see Ravala, the village where Vr~abhanu used to live happily. Sri Radhika appeared here, and by Her auspicious- appearance the whole world was filled with joy.”In the Vraja-vilasa-stava there is the following prayer: “May I be
filled with love for Ravala in Vr~abhanupura. The precious gem, Sri Radha, appeared there in the mine of Kirtida’s womb, which is praised by the demigods, rsis, and human beings.”
“Who can. understand the great joy in Vrsabhanu’s house when Radhika appeared from the womb of Krtida. Sri Radha’s effulgent form illuminated the ten directions. Whoever sees Radha once is freed from the threefold miseries. Her body is extremely soft and Her complexion is like molten gold. Alas! How is it possible to describe the exquisite movements of Her limbs? Seeing Her beauty Her parents could not control their excitement and repeatedly looked at Her moonlike face. A]] the elderly gopis sang auspicious songs, and the entire universe was filled with the sound of ‘Jaya! Jaya!’ The sounds of various instruments enchanted all, and they began dancing as they exclaimed, ‘Very good!’ Tumeric, yogurt, and 1nilk was scattered in the courtyard for the occasion, and the cowherd men laughed and made others laugh with their gestures.’rhe briihmanas and the singers were offered valuable gifts and Ghanasyama [another name of Narahari Cakravarti who has written this song], although seeing this scene is unable to relish its happiness.”

“Seeing Radha’s beauty on the occasion of Her appearance,Fler parents became agitated in love and were unable to take their minds away from Her. They gave various gifts in charity for the auspiciousness of their daughter. Who can describe that scene?/ nly the fortunate souls can see this. Sri Radha would wander around with many other girls, and Her mother felt joyful watching1′-ler. Vrsabhanu with his associates would sit at one place and, like this, there is no limit to.the fun in Ravala.
“0 Srinivasa, after coming from Gokula, Gauracandra and His associates stayed here for sometime. He became overwhelmed with Hstatic love when He saw Ravala. What to speak of others, even Ananta Se~a cannot describe His feelings of love. People came running from a11 directions chanting the name of Hari and exclaimIng,’0 brother, see this jewel amongst sannyiisls!’ Everyone became
UlUcldencd drinking the nectar of the Lord’s moonlike face. Being p,l\~atly happy, they spoke to one another, ‘I have concluded that He I,’\ de finitely Kr$IJ3. By His own will He is wandering throughout I’Ujn in this form.’ Someone else said, ‘By seeing this golden Complexioned form of the Lord, I am unable to speak although I Wish to.

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