
Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
This is one of the twelve sacred forests of Vraja and Bilvavana forest has an individual parikrama of around four kilometers. The name of Bilvavana, or Belvana as it is also known, is derived from of a large round fruit known as “bilva fruit’, commonly called ‘bael fruit’ that grows in great abundance in this forest. This fruit ripens in summer and once the hard shell is broken, the soft pulpy centre can be eaten raw or mixed with sugar and water and makes a very cooling drink in summer-time. This fruit is also used as a cure for stomach ailments. In the Bhaktiratnakara it says. “It was here that Balarama and Krishna ate ripe bael fruits. According to the Adi-varaha Purana, this forest is worshiped by all the demigods and whoever visits it will also be worshiped in Brahmaloka. In Bilvavana a man can be freed from his vices by bathing in Krishna-kunda.” Besides Krishna-kunda which is situated in Dangoli village, there is also the famous Lakshmi Mandira near the banks of the Yamuna, and a famous well said to have been created by Krishna known as Krishna-kupa. There is also a Shiva-linga said to have been worshiped by Parvati Devi, Lord Shiva’s consort. According to the Bhakti-ratnakara, the sacred lake of Mana-sarovara, where Radharani hid Herself when overwhelmed by jealous anger or mana, is also situated in the Bilvavana forest.
Mathura Mahatmya
Text 353
vanaà bilvavanaà nama
daçamaà deva-pujitam
tatra gatva tu manujo
brahmaloke mahéyatebilvavanasya – of Blivavan; vanaà bilvavanaà nama – the forest named Blivavana; daçamam – tenth; deva – by the demigodsl; pujitam – worshiped; tatra – there; gatva – having gone; tu – indeed; manujaù – a person; brahmaloke – in Brahmaloka; mahéyate – glorified.Glorification of Bilvavan:
The forest named Bilvavan, which is worshiped by the demigods, is the tenth forest. A person who goes there is glorified on Brahmaloka.
[showbiz Bilvavan]
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