
Madhurya Dham
(Gopala Pura)
This town is named after Madhavendra Puri. Yeti means sanyasa. Jeti being the modern corruption. Another name of the town is Gopala pura.
It was at this place that Madhavendra Puri worshipped Gopala (Shrinatha- ji). The question is often asked, if followers of the Gaudiya Sampradaya are not allowed to walk on Govardhana Hill? Then how is it possible that Madhavendra Puri walked on the Hill? When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Vraja, He saw that everything had fal-len into disrepair and no longer were the local residents or the priest aware of the importance of Vraja. Even Radha-Kupda, Syama Kunda had all but disappeared. Thus, (o instruct every one that Govardhana Hill and Krishna are non-different, He did not step on Govardhana and we as followers of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu we must follow in His footsteps. Shrila Madhavendra Puri for the pleasure of Govardhana stepped on Him. To follow His instructions,
to serve Him in the form of Gopaia. We do not step on Govardhana, who has instructed us in the form of Shri Caitanya MahUprabhu.
As we wonder through this village of Jeti Pura we can give consolation to our aching feet with the knowledge that we have completed half of Govardhana’s parikrama. At the cross road’s we will turn right
through the small market and within four minutes we will be standing at Sringa stali.

Mädhavendra Puré performed the abhiñeka and annaküöa festival of Çré Näthajé here. After entrusting the worship and service of Çré Näthajé to his disciples, Mädhavendra Puré then went to Puré-dhäma on the order of Çré Näthajé, to bring sandalwood and camphor. When he arrived at Remunä, the deity of Gopénäthajé stole a pot of sweet-rice for him to taste. For this reason Gopénätha is called Khéra-corä Gopénätha, thief (cora) of the sweet-rice (khéra). When Mädhavendra Puré was returning from Jagannätha Puré with sandalwood and camphor, he received an order from Çré Näthajé of Govardhana in a dream. Çré Näthajé told him that by grinding the sandalwood and camphor, and smearing it on the body of Khéra-corä Gopénätha every day for one month, His own body would become cool. It is not known whether Mädhavendra Puré returned to Govardhana or not. His samädhi lies in Remunä near the temple of Khéra-corä Gopénätha. The six Gosvämés, especially Çré Rüpa, Sanätana and Raghunätha däsa Gosvämés, had very good relations with Çré Viööhaläcärya, the son of Çré Vallabhäcärya. Çré Viööhaläcärya had an affectionate and friendly relationship with Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé, who Çré Rüpa and Sanätana Gosvämés regarded as a younger brother. They therefore regarded Çré Viööhaläcärya as a younger brother and loved him dearly. The six Gosvämés, who are the topmost niñkiïcanas6, remained absorbed in bhäva-sevä, meditation on the daily eight-fold pastimes (añöa-käléya-lélä) of Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa Yugala, by means of harinäma-saìkértana. Therefore, they entrusted the responsibility of Çré Näthajé’s worship to the sons of Çré Vallabhäcärya. Our Gosvämés considered Çré Giriräja-Govardhana to be Çré Kåñëa Himself, and never used to climb on him to take darçana of Çré Näthajé. Whenever the Gosvämés had a fervent desire to see Him, Çré Näthajé would Himself descend on some pretext or other to bestow His darçana, sometimes coming to Gäìöholé-gräma and sometimes to Sata-ghaòä in Mathurä. This is mentioned in Çré Caitanya-caritämåta and Bhakti-ratnäkara. Çréman Mahäprabhu did not climb upon Govardhana either, and had darçana of Çré Näthajé in Gäìöholé-gräma.

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