Imli Tala

Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
This famous tamarind tree known as Imli Tala was located on the bank of the River
Yamuna and was formerly a part of Seva Kunja, unfortunately the Yamuna has now moved some distance away from this place but the bathing ghata that was once here is still known as Imli Tala Ghata. The word ‘imli’ means ‘tamarind’ and ‘tala’ means ‘tree’, the Sanskrit word ‘tentuli-tala’ also means ‘tamarind tree’. This famous tree died in the early nineties and now there is an offshoot of the original tree growing here. There is a small shrine beneath the tree where a deity of Lord Chaitanya can be seen sitting in meditation. Imli Tala is presently being looked after by the Gaudiya Math and there is a temple here containing the deities of Radha and Krishna. The sacred Imli Tala was one of Lord Chaitanya’s favorite places in Vrindavana and He came here every day to chant on His beads during His month~ long stay in Vrindavana, at the end of His historic parikrama of Vraja Mandala in the year 1515. It is said that this particular tamarind tree was also one of Radharani’s favorite places in Vrindavana, and whenever She was feeling separation from Her beloved Krishna, She would come to this spot by the banks of the Yamuna and experienced the ecstatic emotions of vipralambha-bhava.
On one occasion when Radharani was feeling acute separation from Krishna, She came
and sat here at Imli Tala beneath Her favorite tamarind tree and began chanting Krishna’s names over and over again. As She began remembering Her ecstatic pastimes with Krishna, tears began to flow incessantly from Her lotus eyes and She entered into a very deep mood of ecstatic separation known as vipralambha-bhava. She was so absorbed in thoughts of Krishna, that Her golden colored complexion began to slowly turn a bluish-black color known as shyama, the same color as Krishna’s own bodily complexion. It is said that when Lord Chaitanya also sat here at this same spot and was chanting Krishna’ names in the mood of separation, His golden bodily complexion also turned a same bluish-black color, just as Radharani’s had done.

On another occasion, during the rasa-lila, due to being overcome with mana or lovers
pique, Radharani suddenly disappeared from the rasa-dance and noticing Her absence, Krishna began franticly searching for Her everywhere, but was unable to find Her. Knowing that this tamarind tree was one of Her favorite spots, Krishna came here hoping that She would eventually come there. Sitting beneath the tree, Krishna began to experience acute separation from Radha and began chanting Her name over and over again. Due to the intensity of Krishna’s transcendental emotions in separation from Radha, His complexion began to tum a brilliant golden color, the same as Radha’s bodily complexion. Just at that moment, Radharani arrived there accompanied by some of Her sakhis and was amazed to see the golden color of Krishna’s body. When Krishna became pacified after being reunited with His beloved Radha, She wanted to know the reason behind the wonderful golden form that Krishna had exhibited. Krishna explained that after suddenly losing Her association during the rasa-dance, He came here in a deep mood of separation and began chanting Her name over and over again, at that moment He began to experience Her same intense mood of separation, and His bodily complexion automatically started to tum a golden color just like Hers. After hearing this explanation Radharani was completely amazed.
Krishna then informed Radha that during the Kali-yuga, He would again appear on earth in order to once again experience Her unique mood of separation while exhibiting Her same golden colored complexion, when He would appear as the ‘Golden Ava tara’ Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
While in Vrindavana, Lord Chaitanya stayed at Akrura Ghata and every day He would
walk to Vrindavana and spend the morning performing solitary bhajana at Imli Tala. The Chaitanyacharitamrta says. “The next m()ming Shri Chaitanya returned to Vrindavana and took His bath at Chira Ghata. He then went to Tentuli-tala, where he sat down to rest. The tamarind tree named Tentuli-tala was very old, having been there since the time of Lord Krishna’s pastimes.
Beneath the tree was a very shiny platform. Since the Yamuna flowed next to Tentuli-tala, a very cool breeze blew there. While sitting there, Lord Chaitanya happily observed the beauty of Vrindavana and the water of the River Yamuna. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to sit beneath this old tamarind tree and chant the holy names of the Lord. At noon He would return to Akrura-tirtha to take His lunch.”

The inner purpose of Lord Chaitanya’s pilgrimage to Vrindavana was to see Imli Tala,
the place of Radha’s ecstatic emotions of vipralambha-bhava. During the time that Lord Chaitanya spent at Imli Tala, His own mood of separation from Krishna dramatically increased and by the time He returned to Purl, He was absorbed day and night in the uncontrollable emotions of Krishna’s separation known as Radha-maha-bhava.

Shri Vraj Mandal Parikarma
At the time of Kåñëa’s pastimes in Vraja, the ancient imlé (tamarind) tree that stood here was enormous. That tree has since disappeared, and a new imlé tree stands in its place. Midway through räsa-lélä, Çré Kåñëa disappeared in order to dispel the other gopés’ pride in their good fortune (saubhägya-mada) and to soothe Priyäjé’s mäna. He followed Priyäjé to Çåìgäravaöa, where He began to decorate Her with flowers. At that time, the other gopés, who were searching for Kåñëa, came closer to the place where Rädhikä and Kåñëa were. Çré Kåñëa requested Priyäjé to leave with Him, but She said, “I am unable to walk. You can carry Me on Your shoulders.” Kåñëa squatted down, indicating that Priyäjé should sit on His shoulders. Just as She went to do this, Kåñëa disappeared again. Now, She also called out in separation, “O Nätha, O Ramaëa!” and fell down unconscious. The other gopés became very distressed to see Her in this condition. Having left Çrématé Rädhikä, Çré Kåñëa began to feel deep separation from Her. Sitting under an imlé tree on the bank of the Yamunä, He became so absorbed in thinking of Her that His bodily lustre turned golden like Hers. In connection with this incident, our most worshipful oà viñëupäda Çré Çrémad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja has presented a wonderful verse that penetrates the heart:
rädhä-cintä niveçeëa yasya käntir vilopitä çré-kåñëa-caraëaà vande rädhäliìgita vigraham Çré Rädhä-vinoda-bihäré Tattväñöakam (Text 1)
“I worship the lotus feet of the form of Çré Kåñëa that manifests when He is thoroughly immersed in separation from Çrématé Rädhikä (who is displaying mäna, Her mood of jealous anger), or when He is embraced by Çrématé Rädhikä (after Her mäna is broken). At these times‚ His own dark complexion vanishes and He assumes Her bright, golden lustre.”
The transcendental sentiments that lay within the heart of Çré Gurupädapadma are profound and full of excellent siddhänta. It is the bhäva of the maïjarés, the maidservants of Çrématé Rädhikä, to feel that Kåñëa should indeed experience great distress when He is separated from Çrématé Rädhikä. They become very pleased to see this distress, and arrange Kåñëa’s meeting with Rädhä at that time. This bhäva is prominent in Çré Rüpänuga Gauòéya Vaiñëavas. While visiting Vraja some five hundred and fifty years ago, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu resided for several days at Akrüra-ghäöa. Daily, He would come to this very beautiful Imlétalä-ghäöa on the bank of the Yamunä, where He was immersed in bhäva as He chanted the holy names of the Supreme Lord Hari. He bestowed His mercy upon the Räjapüta Kåñëadäsa here. One day, while Mahäprabhu was staying here, some people requested Him to come to Käléya-hrada and take darçana of Çré Kåñëa, who they said was again manifesting His pastimes there at night. Mahäprabhu told them to wait for a few days. Nonetheless, crowds of people began to throng to Käléya-daha at night. At last, it became evident that the spectacle on the Yamunä was nothing more than some Muslims in a boat catching fish. A light was burning on the bow of the boat. When the fishermen on the bow stood up and moved about, it appeared as if someone was dancing. The boat looked like a serpent, and the burning light like the serpent’s jewel. When the facts were revealed, Mahäprabhu said to the people, “Bhagavän Çré Kåñëa does not manifest such pastimes before the masses of ordinary people of Kali-yuga. Such pastimes appear only in the hearts of pure devotees.” Some days later, Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and Çré Vallabha Bhaööäcärya proceeded to Néläcala via Sauroì and Prayäga. It is said that several years ago someone cut into a branch of the ancient imlé tree here and blood oozed from it. The person who severed the branch realised that he had committed an offence and repeatedly prayed for forgiveness. Residents of the dhäma believe hat liberated great souls (siddha mahätmäs) are still performing bhajana in Våndävana in the form of the trees and creepers.
Appreciating Vrindavan
Imli Tala- A Transcendental Tamarind Tree
Sri Krsna sat under this tree on the banks of the Yamuna and His transcendental body would turn golden due to feeling intense separation from Srimati Radharani. Five-hundred years ago the golden body of Sri Caitanya would turn bluish-black while he sat here remembering Sri Krsna.
Govinda Reveals Gauranga
“During one rasa lila Srimati Radharani left the dancing arena. Sri Krsna went searching for Radha throughout the groves of Vrindavana, but He could not find Her. Sitting under the tamarind tree at Imli-tala, a dear place of Radha’s, Sri Krsna began chanting, ‘Radha, Radha, Radha.’ While totally absorbed in thoughts of Srimati Radharani, Sri Krsna’s bluish-black transcen¬dental body assumed the radiantly golden colour of Srimati Radharani. At that moment Sri Radha and Her gopi girlfriends!’ arrived there and became captivated by that golden form of Sri Krsna.
“When Srimati Radharani said, ‘This is definitely Krsna sitting here,’ Krsna left His mood of separation and noticed Srimati Radharani and the gopis. Radha then asked Krsna about the meaning of this unprecedented form. ‘After searching for You throughout the forest,’ Sri Krsna replied “I sat here and began to chant Your name. Gradually, My body assumed Your effulgent golden colour, and My feelings became replaced by Yours; which enabled Me to experience the intense mood of Your separation from Me. I have never tasted this before. In Kali-yuga I will again accept Your form and mood, and freely distribute prema bhakti to all the conditioned souls.’ Then Rasaraja Sri Krsna joined with Srimati Radharani and the gopis in a blissful rasa dance on the Yamuna’s bank”(VS).
Madhurya Dham
On the left hand side of the parikrama path, opposite the Sri Gaura-Nitai temple, (which observes the swing festival very nicely). In the courtyard of Vraja-Mohan temple we can find the remains of
Imli Tala. Srila RUpa Gosvami after having met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, decided to leave home and take up the life of a renunciate, and thus be free to worship Radha and Krishna in Vrmdavana without any distractions.
shri-caitanya-mano-bhistam sthapitam yena bhu-tale
svayan rupah kada mahyan dadati sva-padantikam
When will Shrila RUpa Gosvami Prabhupada, who has established within this material world the mission to fulfill the desire of Lord Caitanya, give me shelter under his lotus feet?”
priya-swarupe dayite-swarupe
prema-swarupe saha jabhirupe
ni janurupe prabhur eka-rupe
tatane rupe swa-vilasa-rupe
Indeed, Shrila RUpa Gosvami whose dear friend was SvarUpa Damodara, was the exact replica of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and he was very very dear to the Lord. Being the embodiment of Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s ecstatic love, RUpa Gosvami was naturally very beauti¬ful, he very carefully followed the principles enunciated by the Lord, and he was a competent person to explain properly the pastime of Lord
• • «
Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expanded His mercy to Shrila RUpa Gosvami, just so he could render service by writing transcendental literatures. j
“The brothers actually have no fixed residence. They reside beneath trees one night and the next under another.”
“Shrila RUpa and Sanatana Gosvami beg a little food from the hous¬es of brahmanas. Giving up all kinds of material enjoyment, they only take some dry bread and fried chick-peas.”
“They carry only water pots, and they wear torn quilts.
They always chant the holy names of Krishna and discuss His pas
times, in great jubilation they also dance.”
“They engage almost twenty-four hours daily in rendering service to the Lord. They usually sleep only an hour and a half, and some days, when they continuously chant the Lord’s holy name, they do not sleep at all.”
“Sometimes they write transcendental literatures about devotional
service, and sometimes they hear about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and
spend their time thinking about the Lord.”
(Caitanya caritamrita, Madhya 19:127-132)
With bunches of straw between my teeth, I pray repeatedly that
I may take birth again and again as a particle of dust at the lotus
feet of Srila RUpa Gosvami. (Mukta-caritra)
When RUpa Gosvami came to Vraja, he wandered extensively visi¬ting all the pastime places of Radha and Krishna, staying at night under a tree and begging a little food from the houses of the Vrajabhasis.
Once Rupa Gosvami was sitting under this tree and the following pastime manifested before his eyes. Hanging from the tree was a very beautiful swing, which was designed in such a wonderful way that the two persons, who would occupy the seats would face each other. At that moment Radha and Krshna along with Their most intimate girl¬friends arrived when Krshna saw that wonderful swing. He immediately
jumped onto it and * tried to persuade Srimati Radhika to join Him. Radha refused to sit with Him because He would swing too high, and frightened Her. She told Him that after He had enjoyed swinging, She .ilong with one of Her friends would enjoy sv/inging. Krishna again and again requested Radha to join Him on the swing, promising Her that He would not swing too high.
Radha’s girlfriends also started to request, that if you sit with Him then we will push you very gently, so He’ll not able be able to •.wing too high, and thus frighten you.
After being petitioned by everyone, Radha finally agreed to sit with Krsna on the swing. She sat on the swing facing Krishna very timidly, because She knew that somehow or other this very tricky boy would manage to swing very high.
At that time Her girlfriends started to push the swing very gen¬tly. And as the swing started to move to and fro She started to * n|oy the atmosphere of Radha-kupda. When Kfshna saw that Radha had slowly become relaxed, He just very gently • started moving His legs to cause the swing to swing a little higher, and before anyone
had realized it, the swing was swinging so high that it was above all of their heads. Shrimati Radharani became very frightened when She saw that the swing was getting higher and higher, She started to demand that Krishna stop the swing immediately and let Her get down. Krishna simply laughed and caused the swing to go higher and higher and higher until eventually the swing was going as high as possible on one side and coming back and going as high on the other side. Shrimati Radharani was so frightened that She screamed and jumped into «Krishna’s arms holding onto Him very tightly.
dCrshna became very happy having had all of His desires fulfilled. Due to His great happiness He caused the swing to even go high¬er, and eventually the swing went so high that it completely went all the way round 360 degrees. When all the girlfriends standing around saw this they were very surprised and they all started singing the glories of Radha and Krishna in great ecstasy.
When Shri RUpa Gosvami witnessed these wonderful pastimes he fell into an ecstatic swoon, after he had regained consciousness again he saw the swing, Radha and Krishna and all the gopis had gone and he also noticed the tree under which he was sitting had been twist¬ed due to the swinging pastimes of Radha and Krishna.
Shri RUpa-manjari, who had been famous in ViTidavana-dhama, appeared as Shrila RUpa Gosvami.
I worship Shri RUpa Manjari, whose beautiful bodily complexion dis-credits the golden color of gorocana. Wearing a dress made of fine cloth resembling peacock feathers representing her colorful devotional character, she delightfully engages in the service of Shri Radhika’s lotus feet. (Kisori tantra)
In the Northern part of Shri Lalita sakhi’s kunja lays Shri Rupollasa kunja, where the most beautiful and attractive Shri RUpa Manjari resides. She is the foremost amongst the gopis known as priya-narma sakhi and is distinguished by her graceful, captivating countenance and unique loveliness. Her complexion is bright gold, the color of gorocan.i and she delights in wearing a dress the color of peacock feathers Her age is 13 years 6 months and her nature is bamya madhya. The pandits call her ‘rangana-mallika’ a charming damsel, who entertains and enchants the heart of Krishna by her graceful dance and jasmine flower like beauty and fragrance. (Kisori tantra)
Her service mood: Mm
RUpa-manjari picked up Shrimati RadhUrani’s bodice-from a cornel of the bed. Later, when they were alone, she returned it to her Inti
mate friend. (Govinda lilamrta 1. 85)
Her restless eyes clouded with love and fear, RUpa-manjari fol¬lowed her peerless friend Radha, hoping to guide Her home, and then satisfy Her with various kinds of services.
(Govinda lilamrta 1.112) Affectionate RUpa Manjari, carrying paraphernalia for worship of the
sun-god, and accompanied by Dhanistha, Tulasi, and other contemporary
gopi-friends followed behind Srimati Radharani. (Govinda lilamrta 8.41)
RUpa-rnanjari and her friends then fanned Radha and Krishna , and
* £
served Them in various other ways. In this way Sri Sri Radha and Krishna tasted the happiness of sleep. (Govinda lilamrta 15.139) RUpa-manjari and VTnda-devi served the meal to Shrimati Radharani and the gopis with great love, just as Mohini-murti served the nec¬tar to the demigods. (Govinda lilamrta 20.67)
Calling Sri Rupa Manjari close, Radha says,”RUpa Manjari! Quickly pre¬pare the stove, light the fire and bring the cooking pot! Following the
order of mother Yasoda, I will now prepare and send eatables for
Sri Krishna. Hey, Sakhi! Rather than the usual quantity of sweetballs that I make every day, today I will make four times that amount. Don’t you worry at all about my ill-health.” (Camatkar candrika)
Prays to RUpa Manjari:
When will Sri RUpa-manjari teach me about rasas and service? When, becoming her follower, will I with a joyful heart stay with her on the shore of Radha-kupda? (Gita Mala)
I long for that day when, at some auspicious moment, Shri RUpa Manjari will affectionately recognize me and ask if I am the newly recruited maidservant she was expecting. Giving me a special priv-ilege, she will affectionately order me “O, devoted one, come forward and prepare everything very nicely for the Divine Couple. “Being empowered and inspired by her order, my heart will be filled with great delight and I will perform all services with pure devotion. I will fervently wait for Their affectionate orders and, knowing Their need, I will quickly carry to the Divine Couple a jeweled tray of their favorite paraphernalia. They will be pleased as I fill a golden goblet with aromatic tasty water and promptly place it before Them, running in delightful excitement. O, compassionate RUpa Manjari! when will I, Narottama, be blessed with the attainment of such ecstatic fulfillment? (Prarthana 18)
I long for that priceless moment, when on the plane of transcen¬dence, following behind Shri RUpa Manjari with all awe and rever-
ence, I will meet the Divine Couple. They will graciously look at
me and silently express Their deep affection to my heart.
Compassionately smiling they will ask, “Sri RUpa, where did you
find this beautiful new maidservant?” Upon hearing this sweet
inquiry, Sri RUpa Manjari will then address the Divine Couple, telling Them all about me, having a special feeling in her heart, my dear friend Manjuali thought this new girl would be sublimely dedicated to Your service, so she fondly brought her tome”. Thus by her per¬sonal request and recommendation, Shri RUpa Manjari will eternally engage me in the devotional service of the Divine Couple of Vraja.
(Prarthana IQ)
This prayer to Govardhana by Srila RUpa Gosvami is one of the
two advised by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Gosvami Thakur to be regularly chanted to worship Govardhana and to understand the proper mood especially the refrain. We had read the first prayer Govardhana-vasa-prarthana-dasakam by Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami at Kadamba Vana.
nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam !
Oh, Govardhana, kindly allow me to reside very close to You.
praty-asharh me tvam kuru govardhana purnam
Oh, Govardhana, please fulfill all my desires!
Vrindavan Days
the courtyard has reportedly survived five thousand years. Krishna waited beneath this tree for Radha after disappearing from the rasa dance. And when Krishna returned to Vrindaban as Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on October 25, 1512, He sat here again and became absorbed in Radha’s ecstasy of separation.
“Lord Krishna’s blackish body would turn golden from thinking of Radharani,” Achyutananda tells me. “And Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s golden body would turn blackish from thinkingof Krishna.”
The pujari blows a conch, announcing aratik, and the doors of the Deity room swing open. The altar has three alcoves: in the center are Deities of Radha and Krishna. Krishna is carved in black marble, and Radha in white marble. In the alcove to the right are Deities of Gour Nitai—Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda—and in the alcove to the left is a murti of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati sitting very straight and wearing glasses. Imlitala is run by his Society, the Gaudiya Math.

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