Granth Samadhi

Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
The word ‘grantha’ means ‘sacred books’. This unusual samadhi contains the sacred
books of the Six Goswamis. It is believed that these books were of esoteric subjects concerning the very intimate pastimes of Krishna and the gopis and written on palm leaves. It is said that because the subject of these books was beyond the understanding of ordinary devotees, it was decided to place them in samadhi. This is believed to be the only grantha samadhi in existence anywhere in the world.
Samadhis at Vrindavan
Not found in any other sampradaya and not found in any other place is the grantha samadhi in Vrndavana belonging to the Gaudiya sampradaya. Sealed within an iron safe or a stone box hidden under the sacred soil near Sanatana Gosvami’s samadhi lies what may be the most intimate and esoteric granthas (scriptures) ever written. Rumors abound about these secret texts.
Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Rupa Gosvami, and Sri Jiva Gosvami were the topmost Sanskrit scholars. They acutely studied all the Vedas such as the Tantras, Samhitas, and Upanisads. Some devotees believe that the Gosvamis, fearing that people in the future might misunderstand these confidential scriptures, hid them in this grantha samadhi.
However, having thoroughly researched this phenomena, Nrsingha Vallabha Gosvami and many learned sadhus in Vrndavana give a second explanation. From Vrndavana, Srinivasa Acarya, Syamananda Prabhu, and Narottama Dasa Thakura took the original copies of the Gosvami’s manuscripts to distribute in Bengal and Orissa. There were no duplicates. Fortunately, Syamananda Prabhu made copies of the original manuscripts and sent them back to Vrndavana. At that time, Sri Jiva Gosvami, thinking it impossible to properly preserve those delicate and precious handwritten manuscripts, built the grantha samadhi to store the valuable works of Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana Gosvamis

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