Sri Sri Radha Gokulananda

Vraj Mandal Parikarma – by Rajshekhar Das Brahmacari
This temple was established by Lokanatha Goswami, who in the later years of his life performed bhajana at this place. Although he was not one of the Six Goswamis, he was one of the renowned Gaudiya Goswamis and his temple is included amongst the famous ‘Seven Goswami Temples’. Lokanatha is often referred to as being the ‘Seventh Goswami’ ofVrindavana. Although the temple he founded was known as Radha Gokulananda, he himself worshiped the deity named Shri Shri Radha Vinoda, which he discovered in Kishori-kunda at Umraya. The deity of Radha Vinoda was taken out ofVrindavana during the attack on the holy city by the tyrant Aurangzeb, and is now being worshiped in Jaipura. It was around a hundred years later when the deity worshiped by Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti named Shri Shri Radha Gokulananda was installed in the temple.
Therefore it is believed that during the time of Vishvanatha Chakravarti and his disciple
Baladeva Vidyabhushana, the concept of the ‘Seven Goswami Temples’ came into
The deity of Radha Gokulananda in the temple is thought by many to be the original deity worshiped by Vishvanatha, but some others disagree, saying the original deity is injaipura along with Radha Vinoda. The other deities that can be seen in this temple are all pratibhu-murtis including; Gaura-Nitai (Narottama Dasa), Radha Vinoda (Lokanatha Goswami), Radha Vijaya-Govinda (Baladeva Vidyabhushana), and also the pratibhu murti of Mahaprabhu’s famous Govardhana-shila (Raghunatha Dasa Goswami). This Govardhana-shila was worshiped by Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who gave it as a gift to Raghunatha Dasa Goswami. The original shila which bears the thumb impression of Lord Chaitanya is presently being worshiped at Bhagawata Nivasa in the Ramana Reti area of Vrindavana. Within the compound of the Radha Gokulananda Mandira one can see the samadhis of Lokanatha Goswami, Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura, Narottama Dasa Thakura, and Ganganarayana Chakravarti.
Shri Vraj Mandal Parikarma
Before the arrival of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu in Våndävana, Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé and Çré Bhügarbha Gosvämé came here. Being very humble and without any possessions (akiïcana), they performed bhajana at the many pastime places in Vraja-maëòala. Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé found the deity of Çré Rädhä-Vinoda in Kiçoré-kuëòa in Umräo-gaon near Chatravana and served Them there. Later, on the request of Rüpa, Sanätana and the other Gosvämés, he brought his worshipful Çré Rädhä-Vinoda to Våndävana and began to worship Them near the temple of Çré Rädhä-Ramaëa. Nowadays, the original deity that was worshipped by Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé is in Jaipura, and the pratibhü-vigraha is worshipped in that same temple in Våndävana. Before the arrival of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu in Våndävana, Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé and Çré Bhügarbha Gosvämé came here. Being very humble and without any possessions (akiïcana), they performed bhajana at the many pastime places in Vraja-maëòala. Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé found the deity of Çré Rädhä-Vinoda in Kiçoré-kuëòa in Umräo-gaon near Chatravana and served Them there. Later, on the request of Rüpa, Sanätana and the other Gosvämés, he brought his worshipful Çré Rädhä-Vinoda to Våndävana and began to worship Them near the temple of Çré Rädhä-Ramaëa. Nowadays, the original deity that was worshipped by Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé is in Jaipura, and the pratibhü-vigraha is worshipped in that same temple in Våndävana. Çré Gokulänanda, who appeared at Çré Rädhä-kuëòa through Çré Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura, also arrived in this temple later on. The govardhana-çilä given by Çréman Mahäprabhu to Çré Raghunätha däsa Gosvämé used to be present here. The original deity of Çré Gokulänanda is now also situated in Jaipura with Çré Rädhä-Vinoda. In the courtyard of the temple are the samädhis of Çré Lokanätha Gosvämé, Çré Narottama Öhäkura and Çré Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura.
Madhurya Dham
These are the worshipal deities of Shrila Visvanatha Cakravarti.
The puspa samadhis of Narottama Dasa and Lokanatha Gosvami are just next to the temple. Unfortunately, their condition has been allowed to deteriorate.

padmanabhatmajam shrimalal
lokanatha prabhum bhaje

1 worship the lotus feet of Srila Lokanatha Prabhu, the son of Sri Padmanabha. He is a storehouse of single-minded service to the lotus feet of Shri Shri Radha-Vinoda.
Lokanatha was the son of Padmanabha Cakravarti of the village Talakhadi in Jessore district, who was a disciple of Advaita Acarya. Lokanatha had taken mantra from Advaita Acarya and studied Bhagavata at Santipur with Gadadhara Pandita. Shortly before Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, He ordered, Lokanatha to go to Vrindavana accompanied by Bhugarba Gosvami, who was a disciple of Gadadhara Pandita. Later Lokanatha gave diksa to Narottama Dasa Thakura .
What can be said of these three great Acaryas. Lokanatha Gosvami set the example of perfect renunciation. He was the incarnation of Manjulali Manjari. „

pratapta-hemanga -rucim manojnam
shonambararh caru-subhushnadhyam
shri-radhika -pada -saroja -dasirh
tarn manjulalim niyatam bhajami

With deep love, I worship Sri Manjulali Manjari, whose enchanting
body is the color of molten gold, who wears a red dress and beautiful ornaments, and who serves the lotus feet of Sri Radhika.(Kishori-tantra)

Her service mood is given thus:
Manjulali picked up from the bed the flower-garland fragments and sandalwood paste crumbs fallen from the bodies of the Divine Couple. Going outside, she distributed these to all the gopi’s.

(Govinda Lllamrita 1.87)
shri-krsna -namamrta-varsi-vaktra-
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candra prabha-dhvasta-tamo-bharaya
gaurangadevanucaraya tasmai
namo narnah shrlla-narottamay
I offer my respecful obeisances to Shrila Narottama Dasa Thakura, a sincere follower of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Emitting a show¬er of the nectar of the holy name. With its splendor the moon of his mouth destroys the darkness of ignorance.
Narottama Dasa through his song’s revealed the transcendental mel¬lows of devotional service and he preached the glories of chanting the holy name of Krishna throughout Eastern India.
Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura is Vilasa Manjari in Krsna liia.
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hari hari kabe mora haibe su-dine
keli-kautuka-range kariba sebane

O, Lord Hari, Lord Hari, when will I directly serve You as You engage in blissful transcendental pastimes? When will that auspicious day be mine?(l)

lalita-visakha sane jateka sangira gane
mandali kariba donha
meli’ rai kanu kare dhari’ nrtya kare phiri’ phiri’
nirakhi’gona’ba kutuhali

When in the company of Lalita, VisakM, and their friends, will I
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directly meet Sri Sri Radha and Krishna? When, seeing Them dancing in Their transcendental pastimes, will my voice become choked up with ecstatic love? (2)

alasa-bisrama-ghare gobardhana giri-bare
rai kanu karibe sayana
narottama Dasa kaya ei jena mora haya
anuksana carana sebana

After the dancing pastimes are concluded, Shri Shri Radha and Krsn.i will take rest in a cottage on Govardhana Hill, the best of mountain*. Narottama Dasa says: I pray that I shall be able to continually serve the* lotus feet of the Divine couple. (3)

gobardhana giri-bare kebala nirjana sthala \
rai kanu karibe sayane I
Lalita-bisakha-sange sebana kariba range 1
sukhamaya ratula carane

In a solitary place on Govardhana Hill, the best of mountains, Shri Shri Radha and Krishna sit on a couch, when, accompanied by Lalita and Visakha, will I jubilantly serve Their reddish lotus feet? (1)

kanaka samputa kari’ karpura tambula bhari’
jogaiba badana-kamale
manimaya kinkini ratana nupura ani’
paraiba carana-jugale

When will I take camphor and betel-nuts from a golden box, and place it in Their lotus mouths? When will I give them sashes dec¬orated with jeweled bells, and when will I place jeweled ankle-bells on Their lotus feet? (2)

kanaka katora puri’ sugandhi candana buri’
donhakara Sri-ange dhaliba
guru-Rupa sakhi bame tribhanga bhangima thame
camarera batasa kariba

When will I fill a golden goblet for the Divine couple? When will I anoint Their limbs with aromatic sandalwood paste? When, with my spiritual master in his original form as a gopi, at my left, will I fan Their three-fold* bending forms with a camara wisk? (3)

donhara kamala ankhi pulaka haiya dekhi’
dunhu pada parisaba kare
caitanya-darsea Dasa mane matra abhilasa
narottama Dasae sada sphure

When, seeing the lotus eyes of the Divine couple, will the hairs of my body stand up in ecstasy? When will I be able to directly touch Their lotus feet? Narottama Dasa, who is the servant of Lord Caitanya’s servants, desires in this way. He has no other desires. (4)

(Prarthana 10-11)

Visvanatha Cakravarti wrote many important books, givihg the essence of devotional service and was the siksa-guru of the wonder¬ful Baladeva Vidyabhusana and Narahari Cakravarti.
Visvanatha Cakravarti was born most probably in the Saka era 1586 In the famous village of Devagrama in the district of Nadia. He belonged to the Radhi brahmana sect. Shri Ramabhadra and Shri
Raghunatha Cakravarti were his two brothers.
Shri Visvanatha took his initiation from Shri Krsna Carana Cakravarti of
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Saidavada in the Mursidabad district. He lived there for a considerable time and wrote many books. Because he lived there for so long, Visvanatha introduced himself as an inhabitant of Saidavada. He stud¬ied grammar, poetry and rhetoric when he lived in Nadia. It is said that when he was a student he defeated a world famous scholar in argument. From his early boyhood days he was completely indif¬ferent to the materialistic world. In order to get him involved in worldly life, his father arranged his marriage at a very early age. Shri Cakravarti lived for sometime in his house and then left to become a resident of Vrindavana. His relatives tried to bring him back, with¬out success.
When he came to Vrindavana, Sri Cakravarti Thakura stayed with Mukupda Dasa, a disciple of Srila Krshna Dasa Kaviraja Gosvami, in Radha-kupda and studied the Gosvami’s books. He wrote many notes on these books.
Shri Cakravarti Thakura used to worship the Deity of Shri
Gokulananda as well as the Govardhana sila of Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami.
Amongst the Mahanta society, he was famous as Sri Harivallabha Dasa. The title Cakravarti was given to him by his disciples.
The books written by him are listed as follows:
Sararthadarsini 1704 A.D.-Tika of Srimad Bhagavatam; Sararthavarsini
Tika on Bhagavad gita; Sri Caitanyacaritamrtera Tika; Brahmasamhitara Tika; Anandacandrika Tika on Ujjvalanilamani; Bhaktisarapradarsani Tika on Bhaktirasamrtasindhu; Premabhakticandrikakirana-a Sanskrit Tika; Sukhavartini – a Tika Ananda Vimdavanacampu; Mahati Tika on Danakelikaumudi; Bhaktaharsini – tika on Gopaiaatapani; Hamsaduta Tika on Hamsadutam; Tika on Vidagdhamadhava; Lalitamadhavera Tika;
Ujjvalanilamani-kirana; Bhaktirasamrtasindhu-vindu; Bhagavtamrtakana;
Sri Krishnabhavanamrta; Ragavar tmacandrika; Madhuryakadam vi n i;
Aisaryakadamvini; Camatkaracandrak; Gopipremamrta; Mantrarthadipika; Vrajariticintamani: Premasamputa; Sankalpakalpadrum; Nikunja-keliviru davali; Suratakathamrta; Shriman Mahaprabhorastakaliya Smarna-mangal.i
stotram; Shri Gauranganoddesacandrika; Stavamrtalahari; Padavali
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Samkalam; Sri Lokanatha Gosvami was the disciple of Sri Gaurang.i, his disciple was Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura, then his disciple w«r. Shri Gariga Naranayana Cakravarti. Shri Gariga Namyapa Cakravaih\ disciple was Sri Krishna-carana Cakravarti, whose disciple was Sri Radh.i K.imana Cakravarti. Shri Visvanatha Cakravarti was the disciple of Si
Radha-Ramana Cakravarti.
In the month of Magha (January – February), on the fifth day of
the bright fortnight, 1755 he departed from this world.
Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti has revealed his eternal service as a
manjari, maid servant of Srimati Radharani in his Sankalpa-kalpadruma.
“Before beginning Your bath I will dress you in a light white cloth. After removing Your necklace, bracelets and other ornaments 1 will anoint Your body with a rose colored oil so sweetly scented that it captivates the mind. Then I will rub freshly powdered saffron and cam¬phor over Your transcendental body.
“With highly scented water I will bathe You and then dry Your limbs with a very soft and delicate cloth. I will dry Your hair with the smoke of burning aguru, and then with great happiness I will perfume Your hair.
“Thereafter, 1 will dress You in very attractive garments and arrange Your hair with a golden comb. I will braid You hair with jewels and place smail flowers in the centre of the braids.
“O, Shrimati Radharani! In great delight I will decorate Your forehead with tilaka designs and *a pearl ornament and then place a diadem on Your head. O, my Queen! I will decorate your eyes with colly¬rium, Your ears with earrings and Your nose with a pearl.
Radha-Gokulananda ki! – jay!
Shortly, on our left side we will pass the road that runs to
Vrindavana town. Just a short distance (sixty yards) from the corner is a muddy pool, which is all that can be seen of Tamaia-kupda, which used to have a very beautiful forest of tamaia trees on its banks.
Tamaia Krishna Ki Jay!
After crossing the Yamuna canal for the second time, immediately we will see the temple of Keli-devi (Parvati). This very small kupda next to the temple is Mayur-kupda. Once Indra, thinking to try to make Krsna lusty, sent many beautiful apsaras before Krsna. Krsna look the form of a beautiful peacock and started to dance in an amazing fashion, thus totally bewildering those apsaras. Keeping Kali- ilrvi Mandir on our right, we can continue. This small village we .II<* passing through is called Ramnagar. It came into existence in about 1980. Next, on our right is Gwaliyar temple. The presiding Deities are Radha-Krsna and Gaur-Nitai. Chanting the sweet name of Radha-Giridhari as we wander along, we will approach Puspavan where Radha-Krishna enjoy unlimitedly sweet pas¬times. Jay Radha-Giridhari, Radha-Giridhari, Radhe

Vrindaban Days
Radha Gokulananda Temple, across the street from the Radha Vamsi Gopala Temple, where Srila Prabhupada lived from 1954 to 1962. Radha Gokulananda was founded by Lokanath Goswami, whose samadhi is also here. There are also the samadhis of Narottam Das Thakur and Vishvanath Chakravarty Thakur, who wrote the beautiful “Gurvashtakam” prayers sung every morning in honor of the spiritual master.
The following sets of Deities are worshiped here: Radha Vinod, who were the Deities of Lokanath Goswami; Radha Vijaya of Vishvanath Chakravarty Thakur; and the Sri Chaitanya Deity of Narottam Das Thakur. The temple itself is not very architecturally inspiring, but its spiritual significance enlivens us.


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